Neil Medard Neil Medard

You Don’t Need To Go Faster

The pressure to go faster is real. Deadlines are tight, competition is fierce, and everyone wants results yesterday. But speeding up can be a false economy – often the pursuit of faster creates more problems than it solves.

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

What’s Hiding In Your Data?

Think you know everything about your delivery process? Think again.

Your data holds valuable insights into the real reasons your delivery is struggling... if you know where to look.

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

Mind Your Language. Please!

…but it’s not just about the words we use, it’s about how they are interpreted… 

We all bring our unique experiences and biases to every conversation. This means that even with the clearest language, misinterpretations and misunderstandings can happen. 

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

The Glue For Projects

You know how it goes in every project…

Loads of moving parts, people juggling different tasks, and inevitably, a few things slip through the cracks. Maybe it’s a skills gap, a time crunch, or something simply getting overlooked. 

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

People Are Valuable

Ever feel like your delivery team is a well-oiled machine, but you're still not seeing the results you want?

It's easy to get caught up in optimising processes and chasing efficiency. But what if I told you the secret to unlocking your team's true potential lies in something else entirely? 

Your people.

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

The ‘Ding’ That Stole My Focus

Remember that feeling when your smartwatch buzzes incessantly during a meeting, pulling your attention away from the conversation? Or that subtle annoyance your family feels when you glance at your wrist every few minutes? 

I do.

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

Data Geeks, This Is For You!

Using data to dig into your processes can be an absolute game-changer for efficiency. Case in point: We're working with a few growth companies right now, and their software engineering process was feeling a bit... sluggish. Turns out, the bigger those user stories got (think 5-8 story points and up), the cycle time went bonkers!

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

How Do You Define Value?

Seems like a lot of companies get stuck on this one when figuring out what to build next. And honestly, I think it's because we get too focused on slapping a pound sign on every single thing.

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

Is Agile Dead?

Done with Agile? 

I don't think it's done yet, but the whole "one size fits all" thing? That's gotta go.

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

Inspire Action, Achieve Success

What if the secret to team success lies not in the plans we make, but in the actions we inspire? 

Agile leaders need to move beyond traditional methods to build great teams. 

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Neil Medard Neil Medard

“It’s Crystal Clear To Me!”

This is a true story. 

Scene: A tense meeting room. I'm the Program Manager, facing off to Mark (not the person’s real name), the Product Manager. We’re working on a consumer facing web application together. 

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